Sunday, June 23, 2013

#31 a very DIRTY weekend....part 1

Okay this weekend's post has to be broke up into two was just that know when you have over 300 pictures on your camera just from the weekend!

Part 1:

My latest "race" wasn't really a race at was my first experience at an obstacle course race.  It was called the Dirty Girl Mud Run.  It was SO much fun and a great first obstacle course experience since it wasn't time, it was all female, and any age and experience really could complete it.  

 My MOPS group created a team plus a few extras {yes I am talking about you Kelsey ;)}.  It was awesome!

{Kelsey & I before the race}

{My kiddos refusing to take a picture with me...but don't you love all our tie dye??  I know we should have made Bella one too!}

{Our group & our pyramid}

{The start of the race}

{Our first muddy experience!}

{Thanks to my personal photographer who followed me throughout the 5k course to take pictures!!!  Thanks Ryan :)!!!}

{At the top!}

{My favorite...I slide down to a mud pit!}

{As a clean freak....I am positive this is the dirtiest I have EVER been!}

{Yeah more mud!}

{My 3 troopers who also escorted me through the course!}

{Now we are running :)}

{Now we are not :)}

{And that's how you finish a mud run!!}

{And my kiddos refusing to take a picture with me after the race!}

{We all made it!}

{Such a fun experience}

{After my cold hosed off shower...better, but not much}

Can't wait until next year ladies!!!


Shelley said...

Looks like an awesome race.. I have been eyeing one of the mud runs for a while but haven't found one close enough to venture to alone.

Unknown said...

It was a lot of fun and not hard at all...I would recommend it!

Shelley said...

If I can find a few people to do one with I may give it a try. I will be a bit leary after my last obstacle course race experience.