Sunday, June 9, 2013

#17 & #18 not a trip to the beach but...

We don't have a beach around here or anywhere close, but it doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves and spend a little time with our feet in the sand...
{Just a trip to the "little park" by our house and some sand volleyball with the kiddos ;)}

What else did we do this weekend?  

On Saturday, day #17 of summer, we got up early and went on a run/bike ride and we had friends come along!  I wish I got a picture of all the kiddos in the bike trailer/bikes...but here are my crazy three with a sleepy Bella.

Our run/bike ride happen to be going on at a Touch-a-Truck event so the kiddos got to play some games and climb in a few trucks too.

After a quick lunch at home off to another ball game!  Let's go Blizzards!

Then off to get more dirt at the compost facility...this is actually one of the boys' favorite activities because what boy doesn't love playing in a big pile of dirt????  Poor Evan had to miss out on the fun because he fell asleep in the truck while Ryan and Avery got the dirt.
{Avery's king of the hill...notice this picture was still taken in the truck because if I got out I am sure I would have been put to work ;)}

After going home and putting more dirt down in our backyard we head to the store to get some things, but just making a trip to the pet store to get some more goldfish for our pond ended up with purchasing..........................a turtle.  That's right Evan finally gets his turtle.  Apparently, it was promised to Evan that after the fence was up Ryan would get him a turtle for the pond.

{Well folks, that is the last of the turtle we have seen since yesterday afternoon........we will see......Ryan thinks that it will just stick around and live in our outdoor pond like a happy little camper, but we have several openings in the fence that he could easily make his escape to.  I will let you know if Mr. Turtle makes an appearance again....}

If that's not enough excitement for one day we also decided to take a trip to the Drive-In since it was a nice evening and the kiddos have it on our bucket list.

We went to see Epic {a cute movie....and we didn't even realize there was a pug in it!!!} and Star Trek 2.  The problem with Drive-In movies is that they have to start so late.  This is after an hour into the first show....Evan is passed out!

The other two were able to stay up through all of Epic {I wouldn't say Ellie was really watching the show at all}.  Then as soon as Epic was ending the rain started!  So we packed everyone into the car to watch the Star Trek movie since Ryan wasn't leaving without watching it.  Soon after the second movie started, with everyone in the closed up car with the windshield wipers going so you could still see the movie :), 4 out 5 of us were asleep.  No need to name names here of who fell asleep, but don't ask me either what happened in Star Trek ;).  After the movie was over we headed home at 1 in the that was a late night!!

So on day #18 we were hopeful that the kiddos would all sleep in with it being such a late night for everyone!  When I heard Evan up at 6:30 this morning I thought....oh no not already!  Like every morning he asked where Bella was and went to get her.  I told him that if he took her out of the kennel he would have to take her potty.  Well he did just that for me.  He came in said she went potty and then fed her her food.  Then the best thing ever happened ...he crawled back in bed and fell back to sleep!!! It was a miracle!  When I woke up and saw the clock said 8:45 and kids were sleeping it was THE BEST moment!!  That meant we all got our rest and went to the later service at church.  After a restful morning we headed to baseball again {man once we have more then one kid playing I don't think we will ever be leaving the fields!}

Then we spent a relaxing Sunday afternoon doing a little of this and that....

{This was Avery's first basket he ever made!!!}

Thankful for a relaxing Sunday!

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