Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#13 boys...who can understand them?

Some days are a little slower around here, which is SO nice.  We had our first storytime in the park {well most of it anyways...I will get to that in a second} for Thinking Tuesday.  The kiddos have loved storytimes for the last three years and we especially love when they have them at the park!

Well the librarian got through the first two books and songs before everyone had to make a dash for it because it started raining!  Oh well, we will mark it as DONE.

Okay, so I totally get now how much boys really LOVE nonfiction books...never understood it as a teacher and really tried to ignore it because fiction books are so much more fun to read...but please that's ALL my boys EVER want to read!!! I am so tired of reading about turtles, frogs, snakes, the desert..................

Since it was a rainy morning the superheroes and princess wanted to pick something off of our bucket list chart.  They decided they wanted to make a puppet show.  We got to work on making the puppets.

They turned out pretty cute.

The actual "show" didn't last long however ;).

{Notice what kind of shows we get to watch around here too....}

This was the boys at "rest" time.  I let them choose what they do after their "homework" is done.  Avery is watching a nature show and Evan is working on his scrapbook...I think they did a good job of still fitting with our Thinking Tuesday theme.

Here's a little look at how my superheroes play.  They have been OBSESSED with these "battling" cards from the Dollar Tree and battle with them constantly...another thing I now understand from my pre-children, teaching years...I used to always confiscate stacks of "pokemon" or related "battling" cards {anyone know what the actual term for these cards are??} from boys ALL the time...and now my own boys love them.  Boys...who can really understand them :)?!

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