Monday, June 24, 2013

#31 & #32 a very DIRTY weekend....part 2

Well if my mud run race wasn't enough dirtiness for one weekend....we also headed camping as soon as I washed off some of that mud!  I am not the biggest fan of's a lot of work to get everything packed up just to go play in the dirt, be dirty, and sleep in the heat...but Ryan & the kiddos LOVE it so I give them a camping night once a year ;).  We go to a lake that's only about 20 minutes away...far enough that we aren't at home, but close enough that we can return home very quickly if we need to!  I wasn't looking forward to the hot temperatures that were forecasted for this weekend, but there was 0% chance of rain Saturday night so I knew it was now or never to go.  {EVERY camping trip we have been on...before this has started raining on us in the middle of the night....a tent + rain = no fun at all!}  The weather turned out to be quite nice...well as nice as I can expect for end of June in Kansas...and we all had lots of fun!  Some good friends decided to join us on our one night camping trip so that made things even better!

{We lucked out and got a GREAT spot...shady, our own access to the lake to fish at, a playground near by.....and the best part near the restrooms with RUNNING water...a big deal for me :)}

{Going for a walk to the "beach"}

{Lots of fun swimming!}

{The boys were watching out for sharks....yes, we are at a man-made lake in Kansas...I guess you never know ;)}

{Playing in the sand!}

{The best part of camping...eating lots of food!}

{and getting very messy with s'mores}

{Relaxing and hanging out with friends}

{Putting your feet in the water}

{Catching fish!!!}

{Fishing at sunset}

{Playing on the playground way past your bedtime}

{Being able to sleep with friends}

{And they are PASSED out!}

Then getting up and doing it again!

It was worth all the packing and all the dirtiness!!


Our Plain Life said...

We LOVE to camp! We haven't been with all the kids though. I was hoping to do it this summer, but with all of Dan's training we'll have to wait until next summer. Looks like a fun weekend!

Unknown said...

Dan could totally train while camping...there's the lake to swim at and you can run or bike anywhere ;). We love Hillsdale to camp at because it is so close to home!