Monday, June 24, 2013

#33 a normal monday

I know I am double posting today, but I am finally catching up from this weekend.  We tried to have a relaxing Make Something Monday....well I guess as relaxing as it gets around here!

Today was Avery's first day at vacation bible school.  He is doing a soccer camp at his VBS and he LOVED his first day!!!  It is only for 1st-6th graders so that meant I still had E & E all morning....this week will be a little preview to what we will have this coming up school year with Avery gone ALL day long :(.  Well I survived making it to the gym and two stores with those two, but oh man....

Picking up Avery!

Then our afternoon session of Make Something Monday involved using Twizzlers to write our names.  Using the pull-apart Twizzlers would of had worked a lot better, but we had these leftover from camping so we just went with it.  Luckily my kiddos names don't involve very many curves so it worked out okay.

{I think this picture is hilarious because Ellie is also attempting to take a picture of it with my phone :)}

The best part...of course...was eating your name.

Then we did some painting with watercolors.  I actually like watercolors because they are pretty mess free.

Here's their work!  I made a column of artwork from each kiddo with Ellie on the left, Evan in middle, and Avery on right.  It's funny to see the progression of drawings.  Ellie's turned out pretty gray because she just kept using the black :), Evan was more worried about mixing colors and coming up with "new" colors then actually drawing a picture {he was so excited when he made "golden"....this is Evan's latest favorite you know of anyone else who's favorite color is golden???  He beats to his own drum :)!}, then Avery created pictures of {from bottom to top} him camping, a rainbow, our house, Bella, and he tried his hand at mixing colors like Evan.

Then it was off to Avery's last baseball practice for the season.  They did team pictures.

He also got his medal for the season.  Way to go buddy!

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