Monday, November 11, 2013 10&11

Day 10:


Day 10 makes me thankful for all the wonderful friends I have met in MOPS.  I am not only thankful for the ladies I have found through MOPS, but my kiddos have even met some of their best friends through it too.  Words really can't express how much these friends have met to me for the last four years!  We got to spend the afternoon on a hayride and making s'mores with some of these friends through one of our MOPS table leader gatherings.  It was a lot fun and great weather for it too!


Basketball & Bella {I guess it was B day ;}

Warren & Brooklyn

Day 11:


This picture holds a lot of things I am thankful for it in it...I am thankful I get to stay home so that I can go in and volunteer in Avery's classroom {I love being able to do this!}, I am thankful for all the learning Avery has accomplished in his short time in school {I mean he is like a real reader now!}, I am thankful for the awesome elementary school we have and the wonderful teachers {I know good things are going on!}, I am thankful for my hard working Cub Scout who was excited about being able to help present the colors at the veteran's assembly today at school, and of course THANK YOU VETERANS!!!

Getting to help out at the assembly today.

Watching movies during rest time.


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