Wednesday, July 31, 2013

#71 goals met!

A few weeks ago I gave my kiddos some lofty goals to try to meet before the end of the month.  You can read all about it here & here.  We were just in a mid-summer slump and kiddos were bored and getting on each other's nerves so I thought a little goal setting would help them out...and don't forget I promise them $5 worth of items at the dollar store!  Oh boy were they motivated....I couldn't believe it!  In all honesty, I didn't think they would be able to overcome some of their goals in that short of time because some of them we had been working on for months {Avery's bike riding} and some of them for YEARS {Evan sleeping in his own room}.  {Now Ellie did work on here "goals", but she didn't really do anything different then she normally would have...I will give her a break...she's only 2 1/2 :).}  Man oh man, did my superheroes crush their goals!  I don't know why I didn't use bribery sooner....yes I know bribery is not the best parenting method, but it's not like I planned a trip to Disney World for them ;).  Like I said before, Evan was very motivated by the "prizes" & Avery was motivated by the fact that he had to be the "winner" all worked out well in the end!

Here were their specific goals I gave each of them:

The boys both mastered all 3 of their goals {Ellie is doing better with potty training & we do sing our ABCs together every day and count to 10 together}.

Since today was the last day of the month we headed to the store for their 5 prizes.  It was like Christmas morning for them ;).
{ninja swords for some superheroes}

{a "smart phone" for a princess :)}

{the whole loot}

{more of these cards...I don't know what it is about them but my BOYS love them...out of their 5 items Avery got 4 packs and Evan got 2 packs...don't tell them, but at the Dollar Tree these things are only $0.25 each...that means mommy saved some $ ;)}

Will I use bribery again?  Yes :)!!  Seriously, it was a good lesson for my kids to talk about some things they could work on and make sure they work on them everyday for a bit!

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