Tuesday, February 12, 2013

day 12 of {love}

Day 12 has been a crazy, busy day!

Here's what we did:
7:30  Wake up, dress, eat breakfast and open mailboxes

Today the kiddos got some Valentine's they made for each other!

{The glow stick from Evan's Valentine!}

8:45  Go to MOPS, yeah!  The kiddos made some Valentine's for their MOPS friends they handed out.  And we all received some yummy Valentine goodies!

11:30  Home from MOPS, eat lunch, and pack Avery's Valentine's to hand out to classmates and his teacher.

{This is what we made for his teacher.  Totally stolen from Pinterest!}

{We included both real chalk (what kindergarten teacher doesn't need some sidewalk chalk??) and chocolate!}

12:20  Drop off Avery at school and home for quick naps and rest time.

2:30  Back to Avery's school to help out with his Valentine party!

{Avery had fun and E & E were given a little snack so they were happy!}

3:40  Home for a quick change.

4:15 Go to the gym for class.  While at the gym the kiddos got to make these cute Love Bugs:

{They are already hung on our fridge!}

5:30  Back home to make dinner quickly and Ryan comes home.

6:20  I head off to a meeting about a preschool for Evan for next year.  Man, I hate all these schooling decisions!  I am not sure what kiddos do during this time with Ryan...all I know is when I return they are eating candy :)

7:30  Back home, bedtime routines, and getting them all to calm down after a crazy day!

8:30  Bed for all kiddos

10:20  {Right now}  Ellie is already calling for me from her crib...ugh!

But lot's of love today!

2 days left!

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