Thursday, August 22, 2013

our jungle garden

We have had a garden for a couple of years now, but I don't think our previous gardens compare anywhere close to this year's garden!  I think it might be turning into a's insane!  After installing our fence this spring Ryan decided to TRIPLE our old garden's size....that along with optimal growing conditions this summer has lead to this...

Yes, those are all veggie plants of some sort in there...weeds don't even have room to grow!  Almost all of this was started from seed too!  Can you find the little girl behind the okra "trees"???

Okay have you ever seen a zucchini that is half the size of an almost 3 year old?  And this has not been our only one this size!  So far I have made zucchini:  muffins, bread, blueberry muffins, chocolate bread, brownies, fries, pasta dish, frozen a couple bags of it, gave lots away...and I still have the one Ellie is holding and another in my fridge to use right now and more coming....oh my!  If you have a fav zucchini dish let me know!

Then yesterday we harvested our first eggplant!  I would have to say they are one of the "prettier" veggies.  Today on the menu is an eggplant AND zucchini recipe I found here.

We also have cucumbers coming out our ears!  Don't you love my veggies model ;)?

Oh and I can't forget the endless supply of okra...that stuff never stops growing!

We do have tomato plants in there too, but so far no red ones yet, we do have lots of green.  Hopefully some will start turning red soon...but I am afraid the okra, zucchini, and cucumber "monster" plants are shading them too much! 

We might need a truck to haul away all the dead plants at the end of growing season....but fresh veggies are always nice!

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