Wednesday, October 9, 2013

embrace the camera day 3

Day #3:
Everyday Moment

Today's pictures capture the everyday routines that are apart of my day.

This first picture sums up my the driver carpooling these kiddos around all day long.  I think we spend more time in the car than in our house some days!  In this picture we are off to drop Avery off at 1st grade at one school and Evan off at preschool at another school.  Fun times :)!  {Don't worry I wasn't driving when I took the picture ;).}

This second picture summarizes the second biggest thing of my everyday.  Organizing and preparing.  You see, it takes a lot of work getting to all those places in that car and being prepared for where we are going.  Today alone {which was kind of a "slow day" for around here}, I had to make sure the following things happened:  Avery had lunch and snack and water bottle for school, Avery's homework and take home folder was in his backpack, Evan's take home folder was in his backpack, Evan had a pillow and snuggie for a special event in his preschool class, boys both had jackets for school, then removing both take home folders from backpacks and going through papers, doing Avery's guided reading homework with him, going over spelling words and sight words with Avery, practicing Avery's memory verses for church tonight and making sure he had his card filled out and bible, AND making sure there's ALWAYS a snack and water available for all 3 kiddos in the car or there will be a major meltdown if they are in it for longer than 5 minutes without these items.

Finally, I would say the third major component of my everyday is making and cleaning up meals.  I love being able to have lunchtime with these two kiddos, but it still isn't the same with Avery gone at school.  We are adjusting, but that's still the part of the day when I miss him the most!

Dinner tonight was kind of a treat ;)...since Avery had youth group at church we decided to all go and just eat there as a family.  I was happy, no making and cleaning up dinner tonight!

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