Wednesday, April 24, 2013

a trip to Legoland & some of my current favs

Last Friday, BHM {Before Half Marathon...because that thing really consumed my life before ;)}, the superheroes and princess along with their friends spent the morning at Legoland.  It was our first trip there since they moved into the area almost a year ago now.  We were holding out on going because that place really makes you fork over some dough just to get in...but we finally decided it was time to check it out on Avery's day off of school.  I think they all really loved it!  It is no Disney World and it's on a pretty small scale, but the kiddos had a lot of fun!  I was expecting more actual building with Legos, but they spent more of their time shooting the "bad guys" on an adventure ride, pedaling a bike on an amusement park style ride, playing in a jungle gym, watching a 3D movie, sitting on some Lego animals, and there was a little bit of building a race car in there too. I don't think we will go back frequently because of the cost, but it is a good "special" playdate place to spend the day. 

On to some are some of my favorite things lately :)...

My medal hanger my sister got me for my birthday.  Two things here (1) I really need to enter more races that give out medals! {I had to include Ryan's half marathon medal too to make it look like more ;)} (2) My 10k race medal is LARGER then my half marathon one... {And if you are curious that little baby one is from my very first race the Mother's Day 5k!}

I now own a sewing machine!  My parent's got me this for my birthday!  It is very exciting {does this make me seem old?}!  However, I guess now I have to actually fix my own things instead of taking them to my mom to fix... I haven't really sewn anything since ninth grade home's like riding a bike, right...once you learn you never forget :).  But if you see Ryan or my kids wearing something funky in the near future it might just mean I used my mad sewing skills...haha!  Seriously, Avery did tell me he wants me to make all of his clothes from now on!

I have talked about this a little before, but besides from pretending to be a runner I also pretend to be a scrapbooker!  Seriously, it is pretending because I am all about speed and getting things accomplished so I don't spend all the creative time making my pages beautiful as a real scrapbooker would.  The one thing I have LOVED this year is my new Project Life scrapbook.  I believe this style of scrapbooking was created for all the pretenders like myself.  I love it!  It comes with a whole kit of cards that you just slip into the page protectors in their designated whole and slip in your pictures...write a few journaling words and you are done!  It is so simple!  I set out to take a picture a day this year to scrapbook and so far it has been easy and not hard to keep caught up with this style.  I haven't missed a day of picture taking yet either...but if you see a few pictures of kiddos sleeping in the scrapbook it might just be that I almost forgot to take a picture that day until the last second ;).

Last but not least, I just bought this cereal yesterday and I will have to say it is my new favorite!  I love it!  I ate it as cereal and on top of yogurt.  I will give you one guess where I bought it............that's right Aldi.  I think I have already told you my love for that place!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Ellie's smile in the picture of her sitting on a puppy reminds me of Kelsey when she was younger.