Monday, April 8, 2013

a little blood :(

We had a great, busy weekend, but I will have to talk about that another day because today's trip to "the farm" was a little too exciting for a Monday.

We love Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead aka "the farm".  It is supposed to depict an actual farm where kids from the suburbs {I guess my kiddos would be included in this} can actually get up close to farm animals.  We love it!  The kids love seeing the cows, chickens, goats, pigs, horses, sheep, geese, ducks, and so on.  The best part it's really close to home and free Monday-Thursday...great for stay-at-home moms!  Since it's open April-October we try to go as much as possible.

Today, on the spur of the moment, we decided to take a trip there before Avery had to go to school in the afternoon.  The kiddos were excited because we hadn't been since last October.  They got to see the new baby cows, goats, and turkeys! 

We made our way through all the animals and stopped at the playground area before leaving, like we do for every trip there.  The kiddos love the bouncy animals.

Well, a couple of minutes before I was going to tell the kiddos it was time to leave.  I heard a screaming kid.  Like every mom knows, you can instantly pick out your child's scream from others.  I knew it was Ellie.  I raced up to find her and I see her coming at me with her face covered in blood and her brother's following her.  They tell me Ellie had fallen on the step.  My mind starts racing of what to do {we have been SO lucky to not have any major accidents with the kiddos}, while blood gushes from Ellie's head.  I am not good with blood, but as a mom you have to be.  

From there it's all a little blurry because your brain is racing very quickly and you are trying to hold it together, but here is what I am grateful about:

*  Within seconds I had a mom by my side asking me if I had any towels and she goes upon it herself to dig through my purse to find something to stop the blood.  After finding some wipes she also pulls out Ellie's black leggings to use.  It turns out that they don't only come in handy for a potty training toddler, but to tie around your child's head to stop bleeding...everyone should keep a pair in your purse :).  She also offered to watch my boys for me.
*  Another mom ran to tell the people who worked there to see if they had gauze and bandages.
*  The front desk people offered several times to call the ambulance, let me sit in a room to see if Ellie was going to be okay to be driven, gave me gauze, offered to watch the boys while I got the car.
*  My superheroes stayed calm even when I didn't feel very calm and listened to what I told them to do without asking questions.
*  There just happened to be a facial surgeon resident visiting too and he just happened to see me walk by with Ellie {who happened to look like a mess with her shirt off, blood all over her and me and a pair of pants wrapped around her head :)}.  He offered to look at her and by that time her bleeding had stopped and he calmed me down by saying she would be okay that she might need stitches, but he didn't seem too worried and no ambulance was needed.
* I am thankful too that Ryan works so close to home. I called him on the way and he was able to meet me at the house.  We decided that she was okay without stitches since it still wan't bleeding.  And he cleaned her wound and put the bandages on.  I don't think I could of done that by myself...I hate blood!  He was also able to stay with Ellie {because she wanted her Daddy} while I ran Avery to school. 
*  And above all else, God who kept my baby safe!

{The bottom two pictures are actually what Ellie took of herself because she wanted to see her bandaids.}

No, we didn't end up in the hospital, but it was still a little dramatic morning.  My baby girl is acting as silly as ever again!


Jennifer Johnson said...

Poor girl...she certainly knows how to rock the band-aids, though! :)

Connie said...

Glad it wasn't serious. If Ryan wouldn't have been available you would have had the inner strength to take care of the wound. I could clean up the kids scrapes but when it came to choking on something, if Dwayne was around I just automatically took the child to him. I would just panic. Some things are just harder for each one to deal with. But if we had to do it, we could. Scarey stuff, though.