Wednesday, August 6, 2014

day 70-74 of summer

Day #70-74:  Friday, August 1 - Tuesday, August 5

We are exactly ONE week out from school now...CRAZY!  This summer has flown by and I don't think I am really ready for the boys to go back to school yet...we just haven't had enough time!  Our last summer "getaway" was a little trip to G&G's house!  The kiddos did lots of swimming and we did a little back to school shopping.

A spy a little girl in yellow in the tree house.

Crazy, busy shopping at the Lake of the Ozarks.  We made it in and out alive and Evan is in LOVE with his shoes {that we won't let him wear until school starts}.

A little shopping break.


and swimming at a local water park...

down the slide into the pool...

and diving...

and diving by my two little boy fishes who couldn't stay out of the water.  Evan has mastered diving down and getting his belly on the bottom of the pool and Avery is working on a handstand under water!  They are really good little swimmers now!

Taking a break on the "big phones" when they aren't swimming.

And what did those boys do the morning before we left?  Swim!  If you can spot Ellie she is instead playing in the sandbox on the left...she doesn't really enjoy the cold water like those boys.

And back home, finally, to try to get in a routine before school starts.

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